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Eval error:Month '-1' out of range 0..11 at /production/www/campusnet/sv/ line 211.
Eval error:Month '-1' out of range 0..11 at /production/www/campusnet/sv/ line 211.
Eval error:Month '-1' out of range 0..11 at /production/www/campusnet/sv/ line 211.
Eval error:Month '-1' out of range 0..11 at /production/www/campusnet/sv/ line 211.
Eval error:Month '-1' out of range 0..11 at /production/www/campusnet/sv/ line 211.
Eval error:Month '-1' out of range 0..11 at /production/www/campusnet/sv/ line 211.
Eval error:Month '-1' out of range 0..11 at /production/www/campusnet/sv/ line 211.
Laboratorio di Informatica - Classe A (LET0212) 2° anno
Laboratorio di Informatica - Classe B (LET0212) 2° anno
Lingua latina laboratorio 1 B (-) 1° anno
Giovedì 14/11/2024 ore 18:00
Papirologia (LET0635) 1° anno
Lunedì 02/05/2022 ore 08:15